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The group was approved to set up an intermediate professional title review committee

11-22, 2022 / in Group News / by Longhua

In order to further improve the construction of the talent cultivation platform and continue to build a high-tech talent team, the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Henan Province approved the establishment of the Longhua Technology Group (Luoyang) Co., Ltd. Engineering Series Intermediate Professional Title Review Committee. The scope of review includes machinery, Materials professional.

The approval of the mid-level professional title review committee for engineering series is conducive to broadening talent growth channels, optimizing employee career planning, meeting the needs of high-level talents in the process of enterprise development, and playing a positive role in further building a learning enterprise and promoting the normalization of employee learning and education. Promote the role, to achieve a virtuous circle of "promoting development with talents, gathering talents with development".

In the next step, the group will give full play to the functions of the judges in engineering and technical titles, strictly abide by work discipline, abide by moral integrity, study documents carefully, strictly control standards, comprehensively, fairly and objectively evaluate the academic level and professional ability of professional and technical personnel, and further strengthen the talent team Reserve and cultivate, strengthen the construction of professional and technical capabilities, improve the level of professional and technical work, and make the mid-level professional title review committee an incubator for enterprise talent training, a booster for motivating employees to work hard, and an accelerator for the vigorous development of the group's business, providing Longhua Group with high quality Development provides professional talent support and intellectual support.

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