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Warmth of the Double Ninth Festival · Filial Piety and Longhua——The Group Launches the 2022 Double Ninth Festival Activities

11-22, 2022 / in Group News / by Longhua

The golden autumn brings coolness, and it is also the Double Ninth Festival. On the occasion of celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the founding of New China, in order to actively cultivate and practice the socialist core values, and further carry forward the traditional virtues of respecting, respecting and loving the elderly of the Chinese nation, as the Double Ninth Festival is approaching, the Party Committee of Longhua Group The labor union invites the backbone and outstanding talents of each company to gather together to carry out the activity of "Warming the Double Ninth Festival and Filling with Filial Piety and Longhua". Li Zhanqiang, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice chairman of the group, Yang Haijing, chairman of the labor union and other relevant leaders accompanied the old people to gather together to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, and sent them Longhua's care and festival greetings.

At the symposium, Li Zhanqiang, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice chairman, extended holiday greetings and blessings to outstanding talents on behalf of their parents, and introduced in detail a series of work achievements and future development blueprints achieved by the company in recent years. Afterwards, the leaders of the company talked with the old people about their experience and friendship, and listened carefully to their sentiments and suggestions. The old people were very moved by the company's remarkable achievements and excellent corporate culture, and they all spoke freely and shared their experience in developing an excellent family tradition. The symposium came to a successful conclusion in a harmonious and warm atmosphere. Finally, the company leaders sent gifts carefully prepared by the company to the old people.

Looking back on the development history of 27 years, Longhua has always aimed to create an open, transparent and standardized listed company, adhere to the unity of economic benefits and social benefits, and strive to realize the common progress and development of the enterprise and society while striving to achieve self-development and growth . In recent years, Longhua has established an altruistic cultural system centered on "filial piety". Under the leadership of Longhua's party committee and trade union, it has actively carried out donations to help prevent and control the epidemic, and donate to support Zhengzhou's flood fighting. At the same time, Longhua also continues to carry out public welfare activities such as donating to schools, helping needy employees, funding schools for the deaf, nursing homes, welfare homes, etc., maintaining social stability, better promoting social development and realizing corporate value.

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