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Longhua Technology Group Holds the 2022 Charity Scholarship Distribution Ceremony

11-22, 2022 / in Group News / by Longhua

Autumn comes with sweet osmanthus, and the fruits are abundant. The students of Longhua are singing triumphantly, and good news spreads frequently. In order to reflect the warmth of the "big family", help the children of Longhua employees to fly their ideals and realize their dreams in life. On August 18, Longhua Science and Technology Group's "Dream of Youth - 2022 Love Student Grant Ceremony" was successfully held in Luoyang. A total of more than 50 people from the company's leaders and employees' family members participated in this event. Li Zhanqiang, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice chairman of the group, Li Bobo, chairman and general manager of Fenglianke Optoelectronics, Yang Haijing, chairman of the labor union, and other relevant leaders attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, the leaders of the company distributed scholarships to the assisted students. Representatives of the assisted students in this period and the previous period made speeches respectively, expressing their gratitude to Longhua, and expressing that they will turn it into motivation, work hard, study hard, repay Longhua and the society with excellent results, and contribute to the future. Become a pillar of the country and continue to work hard and work hard.

Li Zhanqiang, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice chairman of the group, put forward ideas and expectations for the students' university life and life orientation, and asked everyone to have firm beliefs, have lofty aspirations, consciously connect their own interests with the destiny of the country, love the motherland, and be determined to contribute ; We must study hard, study rigorously, constantly learn new knowledge, new skills, and new technologies, advocate science, seek truth and be pragmatic, and apply what we have learned; we must establish firm ideals and beliefs, and aspire to become a pillar of national construction in the new era.

Providing education support for employees' children is an important task for Longhua to build a harmonious enterprise, promote traditional virtues, and care for employees' lives. It is not only a "family project" that gathers dedication and love, but also a "hope project" that is related to the development of the company and places employees' feelings ". Since 2013, the group has sponsored more than 300 children of employees. The "Love to Help Students" activity vividly interprets Longhua's people-oriented and caring employees' corporate governance philosophy, which not only alleviates the pressure on employees because their daughters go to school, but also strengthens the confidence of employees and the company to develop together. On Longhua's platform, outstanding talents in various fields work together to start a business, realize their own value, and realize their personal dreams.

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